If your need is to sell a commercial property, or you need a real estate agent to help lease space in a commercial building, please consider Gerspacher Real Estate Group.

Learn more about the services we provide for property owners and landlords.


Landlord Representation

Seller Representation

We specialize in assisting our clients achieve their real estate goals. If a seller is planning to sell commercial, industrial, or investment real estate, Gerspacher Real Estate Group is here to help you. Successful commercial real estate sales require knowledge of the market, critical timing, and an experienced commercial real estate agent.

Unlike residential real estate, commercial real estate may have environmental and zoning issues, more involved financing & contingencies, and are frequently purchased by partnerships, corporations or sophisticated business owners. These factors, can often make a sale more challenging. Our agents are experienced and ready to assist you with your commercial real estate sale. Read on for a more detailed overview of the services that Gerspacher Real Estate Group agents provide a seller.



One of the most important needs from a seller or landlord is helping to understand what a property is worth and what the market is for that type of property. Our agents begin by researching zoning which impacts the potential for the property: Including but not limited to uses, restrictions, setbacks, and approval processes. Agents then begin to study tax value and determining if the property measures up to the actual value. We can also determine if the value is too high and if a property owner is being over taxed. In the end we determine what the highest and best use for the property is?



Our agents review financials such as cash flow, operating expenses, taxes, and tenant rents to help determine value and to create a pricing strategy for a property in this market. Gerspacher Agents do an exceptional job educating property owners on the market as far as sales and leasing and how lease rates are supporting the asking & sales prices.



Your Gerspacher Real Estate Agent will conduct a thorough in-person walk through of the property. The agent’s review helps us to evaluate the physical condition of the property and to assess recent capital improvements, electric and gas capacity, property weaknesses and marketable features so that we can create an overview for a property owner.



Once the agent’s preliminary work is completed, he/she will review, analyze and create a strategy on how to list a property, what changes or updates are needed and get it into the market using all the data collected in the value assessment phase of the process. Our agents will follow up and review the information with the seller.



The seller and Gerspacher Real Estate Group will then sign a listing agreement to protect what is agreed upon and the terms such as price, commission rates, listing dates and other business for the listing to be presented to the market.



Our marketing program is one of the best in the industry with local, regional, national and even a global reach. We attract buyers, tenants, corporations both large and small from California to New York and internationally. Our program has a multi-prong approach including exposure in up to and sometimes over 15 different digital marketing mediums with reach attracting millions of property seekers. Our marketing program attracts leads that our agents follow up on to qualify potential buyers for our seller’s property.



You can make a full time job out of returning texts, emails and phone calls on real estate. Our extensive experience allows us to have a higher success of filtering out prospects that wouldn’t qualify as a potential buyer for any number of reasons. Our expertise has helped us locate the right buyers for thousands of properties in over 60 years of doing business in this industry.



Gerspacher Real Estate Group has hundreds of connections with recommended sources that can help you through the ownership of your real estate including attorneys, accountants, lenders, contractors and government officials. In order to get a deal completed, it is important for the seller to help the buyer navigate all of the buyer’s inspections, financing & appraisals, and governmental approvals. Our experience allows for a much smoother process of who to talk to, when and how long it is going to take.



It is important to have an intermediary in the negotiation of a commercial real estate transaction. Our agents help with reducing any uncertainty and hesitation a buyer may have before a deal is made. On the seller side our agents can advise and help you through questions you as a seller may have including:

  • Should I (property owner) take the deal now and if not, what is the risk in not taking it?
  • If I don’t agree now, how long might it be before I get another offer based on the vacancy rate or other opportunities in the market?

We use proposal letter of intents in the negotiation process. Our agents also review other factors such as timing, conditions and economic terms prior to a purchase agreement. Letter of Intents are a great tool to use to help sellers reduce attorney fees if using legal representation as well. The letter ensures a higher chance of a successful agreement without the upfront expense



  • Title Company – We will help the title agent communicate and coordinate earnest money deposits, purchase contingency release, extension agreements, payoffs, and closing.
  • Lenders – We will work with the lender to coordinate inspections, appraisals and property information.
  • Physical Inspections – We will help schedule and give access to roofers, electricians, plumbers, HVAC, structural engineer, government, and various professionals to help clarify the condition of the property for the buyer.
  • Environmental Inspections – We will help schedule and give access to environmental professionals for Phase 1 and2 inspections, wetland delineations’, survey’s and other land related due diligence.
  • Contingency Deadlines & Extensions – We help guide the buyers on purchase agreement contingencies, like who to call and where to obtain a certain inspection or approval. Many agents attend to the actual governmental approval meetings to further sell and get approved uses at zoning meetings or plans at planning meetings for municipalities.
  • Closing – We work with the title company to make sure your lender, attorney, insurance agent and many other professionals are doing what is necessary to close the transaction in the time allowed for in the purchase agreement.


Landlord Representation

If you think of Commercial Real Estate Investments as a “business,” the first thing you will need is income; which obviously comes in the form of tenants. A major part of our business is helping landlords find tenants. Our agents are familiar with and qualified to find you quality tenants. Read on for a more detailed overview of the services that Gerspacher Real Estate Group agents provide to landlords.



One of the most important needs from an owner/landlord is helping to understand what the current market rents are for your type of property. Our agents begin by researching other like properties to gage how to price your property. Another key factor we determine are vacancy rates – as there is obviously a direct relationship between rents and vacancy. We help assess the strengths and weaknesses of your property – comparing it to others on the market. Our agents will discuss the factors that influence value such as location, first floor or second floor, ADA compliance, and overall condition of the property.



Your Gerspacher Real Estate Agent will conduct a tour of the property to assess the physical condition and make recommendations for property improvements to get the best return. If you don’t have contractors, we can recommend trade contacts that landlords might need to make improvements to property. Our agency has hundreds of connections with recommended sources that can help a landlord through property ownership including attorneys, accountants, lenders, subcontractors and government officials.



The landlord and Gerspacher Real Estate Group will then sign a listing agreement to protect what is agreed upon and the terms such rents, sales price, commission rates, listing dates and other business for the listing property to be presented to the market.



Our marketing program is one of the best in the industry with local, regional, national and even a global reach. We attract buyers, tenants, corporations both large and small from California to New York and internationally. Our program has a multi-prong approach including exposure in up to and sometimes over 15 different digital marketing mediums with reach attracting millions of property seekers. Our marketing program attracts leads that our agent’s follow up on to qualify potential buyers for our seller’s property.



You can make a full time job out of returning texts, emails and phone calls on real estate. Our extensive experience allows us to have a higher success of filtering out prospects that work for your property and those who don’t. We know what questions to ask when interviewing, we make and attend appointments to show and promote your property.



Two of the big advantages of having an intermediary in the negotiation of a commercial real estate transaction include; having a sounding board to discuss the pros and cons of an offer, it keeps Landlords from making hasty decisions when it comes to negotiations. Also, creating uncertainty with the prospects interested in the property only creates urgency and a desire to increase the price they will pay for a property. The question becomes:

  • Should the landlord take the deal now and if not what is the risk in not taking it?
  • If we don’t agree now, how long might it be before I get another offer based on the vacancy rate or other opportunities in the market?
  • We use proposal letter of intents to negotiate timing, conditions and economic terms prior to a purchase agreement. This is a great tool to use before spending money on an attorney. It ensures a higher chance of a successful agreement without the upfront expense. The one thing we are not allowed to do is prepare the lease. Real Estate agents are not allowed to practice law, and our landlords typically have legal representation that specialize in real estate law to help with this. If you don’t have a real estate attorney we can recommend several who are qualified.


Once the lease is prepared, we will coordinate the signing meeting; typically we will collect the first month’s rent and security deposit and pass off the keys. Then the checks and the signed leases are delivered to the landlord for their signatures. We will also go over what needs to be done; utility transfers, zoning permit process, vendor referrals, etc. Also, we pride ourselves on staying in touch with the tenants just in case there is anything we can help them with in the future.

Real Estate  Connected

Cultivating Connections

When you work with Gerspacher Real Estate Group, you get more than just one connection. You’ll get access to an entire portfolio of buyers, sellers, tenants, landlords, government representatives, contractors, lawyers, title companies, consultants, and more in order to ensure your needs are met.